Welcome to Worship Services

Virtual Shabbat over Zoom

Weekly Shabbat services usually held on Fridays at 7:00 pm are in-person at the Synagogue AND simultaneously broadcast via the internet. Because of the invasion of Israel and anti-Antisemitism rising around the world, we will be erring on the  side of caution for upcoming Friday evening services and lock the outside doors ten minutes after the scheduled start time.

We are now using our purple congregational prayer book, Siddur B’rit Shalom. If you intend to join us via Livestream for a good amount of time, please contact Rabbi Ostrich (rabbiostrich@britshalomstatecollege.org), and we will arrange to send you a prayer book.


Instructions for Remotely Attending Worship Services

To worship remotely, click on the “Join Services Remotely” button below. If this is your first time using Zoom, doing so will download the zoom app onto your computer.

We are now using our purple congregational prayer book, Siddur B’rit Shalom which is accessible by clicking on the “Brit Shalom Prayerbook” button below. This will download a PDF file that you can view and also print out. If you intend to join us remotely for a good amount of time, please contact Rabbi Ostrich (rabbiostrich@britshalomstatecollege.org), and we can arrange to send you a prayer book.


Rabbi Chananya ben Teradion says: “When two people sit and words of Torah pass between them, the Divine Presence rests between them.” [Pirke Avot 3.3]